- Moirae Editing is a paid service. It will not provide services without payment.
- All prices are based on the manuscript provided by the author before editing. Payment will be rendered upfront, either by PayPal or Square.
- Moirae Editing does not own any rights to the material provided by the author.
- Moirae Editing will not accept verbal abuse for any disagreements with the editing feedback provided. Moirae Editing’s comments are, ultimately, suggestions. The author may disregard the edits at their discretion.
- Marketing, distribution, and pricing of the final book are the author’s sole responsibility. Purchasing the Marketing Keywords does not include Moirae Editing or Moirae Publishing performing marketing actions on the author’s part. The Marketing Keywords are merely a tool for the author to use in setting up their KDP novel and marketing campaign on Amazon.
- Use of copyrighted material in the files provided by the author is not the responsibility or fault of Moirae Editing. If Moirae Editing discovers such material during an editing service, a comment will be made to suggest replacing or removing it. However, its removal from the final product is up to the author. Moirae Editing will make no such comments during a Typesetting service, as the files provided are the files that will be converted into a print or eBook without modifications.
- Moirae Editing will not be responsible for or faulted for the use of AI-generated images or text in the files provided by the author. If Moirae Editing identifies such material during an editing service, Moirae Editing will comment according to the level of service purchased.
- Moirae Editing will make every effort to ensure that any fonts or images selected for the final product are royalty-free and not AI-generated.
- The author agrees that Moirae Editing can use screen captures of the work performed and any reviews given as part of Moirae Editing’s portfolio. The images used will not infringe upon the author’s intellectual property.
- All edits pertaining to the work in question are Moirae Editing’s comments, and Moirae Editing grants the author the right to use them only as inspiration to modify and improve their own work. Direct quotations of comments (in image, audio, text, or other as-yet unimagined media type) may not be used in the finished work or for profit by anyone other than Moirae Editing. Moirae Editing reserves this right indefinitely.
- Moirae Editing will provide the finished product by the agreed-upon date unless mitigating circumstances exist, such as unforeseen accidents, death or dismemberment, etc. In that event, Moirae Editing will inform the author as far ahead of time as humanly possible. If this point is infringed upon by Moirae Editing, a 5% portion of the fee per day late will be refunded.
Now for the final step! Fill out the Moirae Editing Contact form.